www.synthesia.eu / Sustainability / Synthesia in the region
Synthesia in the region
Synthesia is inseparably linked with the Pardubice and its surroundings. We are the entity with a major economic influence to our region with 1 500 employees. Other firms running their business within our premises are giving the working opportunities to the same amount of employees as well.
Significant part of our incomes is invested to the Region’s Support. Our long-term strategy is in accordance with the trustworthy relationship with the neighborhood based on the open and truthful communication in all areas. Our goal is to stand close by our Region and to be helpful in the areas which need support of the strong partner.
Our intention is to take care for the support from the childhood to the retirement and to be the proud part of our city. Therefore our activities are mainly aimed at families with children (Steeplechase Park), young sportsmen (Pardubice Youth Basketball), nactive nature enthusiastics (Touristic club Synthesia) and physically and mentally handicapped people (School for children with mental and multiple disabilities SVÍTÁNÍ, sheltered workshop Handico).
General partner of the East Bohemian Theater Pardubice (Východočeské divadlo Pardubice)
Synthesia has the honor to associate its name with a popular East Bohemian Theater, which occupies the top spot spectator attendance in the Czech Republic between regional theaters. This partnership has a logical, historical and emotional significance: Synthesia as well as Pardubice theater belong without doubt to the history of the city for nearly a century, both institutions have significantly shaped the events in Pardubice, both are binded with strong personalities. For more information visit www.vcd.cz
City Festival Pardubice
City Festival takes place every autumn in Pardubice and it is the traditional celebration of cultural and social occasions which connect two largest sports events called Velká Pardubická and famous motorcycle speedway Zlatá přilba.
Synthesia is honored to be one of the main partners of these events and to be able to participate on the attractive celebration of our beloved city.
Partner of Pardubice youth basketball
There is no doubt about the fact that in a healthy body lies healthy mind. The company Synthesia therefore decided to give a helping hand to the youngest generation of athletes and from season 2013/2014 became the partner of Pardubice youth basketball.
Pardubice basketball also cooperates for example with schools, kindergartens and children´s homes to motivate children to exercise and to do sports. Becomming therefore the main partner for Pardubice youth basketball is for Synthesia the prestigious opportunity. More information can be found on www.basketpce.cz .
Synthesia is a partner of the school Svítání for children with intelectual or combined disabilities
Synthesia is a partner of the primary school, which has been helping to disabled students for more than twenty years in Pardubice. The target group to whom the school assist is not just the children with specal needs. They also help to the teenagers and adults with special educational needs. The school provides education and other forms of self-realization, personal development and integration into daily life.
Hopefully, our support can enhance the possibilities of the school to overcome a dificult and important task to help these children develop despite their adversity. For more information go to www.svitani.cz
Sport run for the whole family Agrofert Run
Synthesia is also the organizer of the nationwide regular run, which takes place at the Pardubice racecourse Agrofert Park. The event is held every April, is a free and regularly attended by hundreds of runners. Agrofert Run is not only for sports enthusiasts, it is also for whole families with a small children for which is a rich accompanying program.
Active movement time spent together with your family belongs among the important values of todays life and that demonstrates annually increasing popularity participate in this event. For more information visit
Sheltered workshop Handico
Synthesia also cares about handicapped fellow citizens and tries to relieve their fate. It is our interest to help those people to fully involve in active life and therefore we have established cooperation with the Pardubice sheltered workshop which is able to get them jobs. Gifts and promoting materials for our customers come from the work of handicapped people.
More information can be found on www.handico.cz
Tourist club Synthesia
Our company also gave its name to the oldest tourist club in our region from the historical point of view. This club organizes trips for adults as well as children from spring to winter. You can choose the best option for you among trips by walk, by bicycle and even by ski. Would you like to join us? You are more than welcomed! Start your visit in the websites www.tksp.info
In addition to these activities, the company Synthesia also devotes considerable attention to the promotion of chemistry for elementary school students in terms of stimulating competition "Young chemist", the award CEO of Synthesia for best thesis in chemistry and many others. It also supports surrounding municipalities, which helps with the construction of new playgrounds, parks cultivation and organization of cultural and sporting events.
By all these steps Synthesia trying to fulfill the title of socially responsible company, which gives to the region much more than just jobs.
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Synthesia will be presented at the European Coatings Show 2025
Synthesia received MDR certification for its medical devices
PF 2025