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www.synthesia.eu / Для СМИ / Новости / Price increase of the pigments and dyes

Price increase of the pigments and dyes

From November 1st 2021 Synthesia, a.s. announces the price increases of the pigments and dyes.


Dear Business Partners, 

With respect to enormous grow of energy costs, increase of marked prices of key RM as well as dramatic surge of transport costs, company Synthesia is forced to modify prices on organic pigments and dyes started from November 1st again.


  Prices 2021 (253,41 kB)

20.12.2021  |  Synthesia
С новым годом!
11.10.2021  |  Пигменты и красители
Price increase of the pigments and dyes
18.12.2020  |  Synthesia
С новым годом!