• European manufacturer of specialty chemicals
  • The long tradition
    on the market since 1920
  • Developed export
    around the world
  • Responsible approach
    the environment
  • Strong in strategic research and development 
You can search name, CAS, EINECS

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Supplier search

ilustrační obrázek hledáme dodavatele FCL surovin

Our company is continually surveying the supplier market for its key resources thanks to the  company’s portfolio.

One of the front European producers of qualified chemistry, we’re searching for business partners who will be able to deliver the under mentioned products with stability and in QoS


Demand products 

CAS: 95-82-9
Jan Holub, Tel.: +420 466 825 717
E-mail:  purchase@synthesia.eu
CAS: 86830-29-7
Jan Holub, Tel.: +420 466 825 717
E-mail:  purchase@synthesia.eu
CAS: 92-15-9
Jan Holub, Tel.: +420 466 825 717
E-mail:  purchase@synthesia.eu
Barbituric acid
CAS: 67-52-7
Jan Holub, Tel.: +420 466 825 717
E-mail:  purchase@synthesia.eu
BON acid
CAS: 92-70-6
Jan Holub, Tel.: +420 466 825 717
E-mail:  purchase@synthesia.eu
Cuprous powder
CAS: 7440-50-8
Jan Holub, Tel.: +420 466 825 717
E-mail:  purchase@synthesia.eu
Fast red B-base
CAS: 97-52-9´
Jan Holub, Tel.: +420 466 825 717
E-mail:  purchase@synthesia.eu
CAS: 67-63-0
Lukas Reisz, Tel.: +420 466 825 329
E-mail:  purchase@synthesia.eu
Močovina tech. gran.,pytle
CAS: 57-13-6
Jan Holub, Tel.: +420 466 825 717
E-mail:  purchase@synthesia.eu
Naphtol AS
CAS: 92-77-3
Jan Holub, Tel.: +420 466 825 717
E-mail:  purchase@synthesia.eu
Nickel chloride
CAS: 7718-54-9
Jan Holub, Tel.: +420 466 825 717
E-mail:  purchase@synthesia.eu
Síra kapalná
CAS: 7704-34-9
Petr Hasa, Tel.: +420 466 823 458
E-mail:  purchase@synthesia.eu
Síran hlinitý
CAS: 17927-65-0 nebo 7784-31-8
Petr Hasa, Tel.: +420 466 823 458
E-mail:  purchase@synthesia.eu
Síran železitý
CAS: 10028-22-5
Petr Hasa, Tel.: +420 466 823 458
E-mail:  purchase@synthesia.eu
Soda kalcinovaná, pytle i volně ložená
CAS: 497-19-8
Petr Hasa, Tel.: +420 466 823 458
E-mail:  purchase@synthesia.eu


Demand quantity

Demand all products only in FCL quantity (Full container loaded)  20" or 40"

18/12/2024  |  Synthesia
PF 2025